Monday, 28 October 2013

Google Play Store v4.4.21 (Android 4.4 Kitkat Play Store) For Galaxy Y

You no longer need to wait for the Nexus 5: After the leak of images and information, it was a matter of time until the new version of Google Play down the network and become available for download. You can download the application to format APK and install it on your Android normally, like other service qualquer.Clique here to download it.
Do not know if this is a previous model and now Google Play finalized, to be presented on October 24. Version 4.4.21 online store weighs 5.84 MB and has a new navigation menu that is hidden and can be "pulled" from the left side of the screen. There is also the app "Newsstand", which is the new newsstand service.
The official update should occur in the coming days, along with the revelation of Android KitKat. I'm using and so far not found any problems with this version!.



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